You can now proceed to settle your subscription payment through our new online payment system. If you haven't already, please create your PARAM account. Once your account is created, kindly confirm your email address.

Important: For the first time, you won't have immediate access to the system.

We will proceed to link your agency with your user account. Please note that this step is not automated; we need to validate your email address and associate it with your agency.

Afterward, you can log in and access the online payment system via PARAM Web.

Once the payment is complete, simply restart PARAM to update your subscription dates.

If you have any questions or encounter difficulties during this process, feel free to contact us. We're here to assist you.

To register and start taking advantage of the many benefits of medical billing with PARAM, you must notify the RAMQ that you want to do your billing with us.

Usually the day after registration, the RAMQ will send us confirmation of your registration and we will give you the necessary authorizations to use the program.


"Description du système de facturation informatisée"

Developer's Name: Logiciels Cx

Billing Software Name: PARAM

Developer number: 16074

Version number: Version 4


Registration procedures

There are two ways to register:


Solution 1. Online registration

Situation 1 A professional, who wishes to bill alone, or he wants to entrust his billing to a relative or to a member of his administrative staff, he can register using the RAMQ's online service via Mon dossier to obtain a transmission number. Billing can begin once the RAMQ has confirmed this number with us.

Situation 2 If the professional already has his billing agency and wants to change his programme, he can do it using the online service of the RAMQ via Mon dossier.

Situation 3 If the professional decides to use another billing agency for the same billing account (personal account or administrative account), it will be necessary to change agency by the online service in Mon dossier


Contact us and a member of our team will help you with your registration process.


Solution 2. Complete, print and send the RAMQ forms

This option applies to a single professional or to an incorporated group of professionals.

You must complete the 3988 form for the creation of the agency.


If the professional already has a billing agency and wants to change programme the he only needs to fill the 3988 form, indicating the change (change of Developer).

When using the 3988 form, our information must be entered in Section 4 "Description du système de facturation informatisée".


You must complete one of the following forms, depending on your situation:

If you are a Professional in Québec: 2404 form to enter the contact information of the agency that will be authorized to forward your payment requests to the Régie.

If you are a Professional outside of Québec adhering to the RAMQ, then you must complete the form: Application for accretitation and information for computerized billing 3036

The 2788 form must be filled to mandate your billing, for example, spouse or secretary.


Particularities of a change of billing agency for the same billing account

Note that only one billing agency can bill for a professional in a billing account. Also, two different agencies cannot use the same billing account.

To change agency or to register a new agency, the professional can do:

• through the online service Mon Dossier;

• by completing the form "« Demande d’accréditation et renseignements pour la facturation informatisée (2404)". 

At a desired date, the change of agency for the same billing account will establish the business relationship between the professional and his new agency and withdraw the relationship with his old agency. Therefore, no action will be possible by the old agency, since it will no longer have a business relationship with the professional for this billing account.


Forms must be mailed to:

Régie de l'Assurance maladie du Québec,

Service de l’admissibilité et du patient

Case postale 500

Québec, Québec G1K 7B4


Or by fax: 418-646-8110


Please note that the processing time at the RAMQ is four to six weeks, but only for administrative purposes, if you already have your agency you can start using PARAM right now.

For more information, consult the website of the Régie "Facturation Informatisée"

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