Start using PARAM for free

Three months free trial is offered

You want to try PARAM before purchasing a subscription, to make sure it meets your needs. Logiciels Cx offers you a limited time free trial to all our potential customers to allow them to discover PARAM and all its advantages which make the task of medical billing easier.

  • Without any obligation on your part.
  • No credit card required.
  • Our services are free of charge.
  • Notify the RAMQ that you wish to do your billing with us.

If PARAM suits you, you can swap your trial in the first 15 days. Select the sign-up offer that suits you best and make your first annual payment to fully benefit from it.

Free trial terms and conditions

This offer, which is offered to you by Logiciels Cx gives you access to PARAM and the services offered during a free trial period of three (3) months, you must notify the RAMQ that you wish to do your billing with us in the shortest time.

If you are not satisfied and cancel during your free trial, no fees will be charged for this period. However, if you are interested in becoming a customer, please take note of the following conditions to get the most of your subscription.

If you become a Logiciels Cx customer within the first 15 days of the free trial, you can choose one of our paid promotions, either your first year at a reduced price or six months free with your first subscription. The start date will be the free trial date.
If you become a Logiciels Cx before the end of your free trial, you must pay for your subscription at the current prices, and you will receive the remaining free trial months, then your first subscription will be 15 months.
If you decide to become a Logiciels Cx customer after the trial period, you must pay for your subscription at the current price and you will be billed for that period. Note that you will no longer be able to enjoy the free trial months.
If you want to refer a colleague or friend, you will not be able to enjoy the Loyalty Reward promotion during the free trial, unless you pay for your subscription before the referred person starts using PARAM.

Get your trial period

Are you interested in using PARAM? then fill this form to give us a little more information about your current situation and we can contact you to give you more information, formalize your registration or schedule your training.

Help us find out more about your billing needs and complete this form.
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