Recognized and compliant with the administrative and technical standards of the RAMQ. PARAM was officially approved with SYRA as of February 23th 2016.
Logiciels Cx has completed the conformity assessment grid, which includes the table below.
PARAM includes all essential features of SYRA billing, especially:
All methods of invoicing are available
- Billing medical services
- Billing travel expenses
- Billing related to reimbursement requests
Transmission Modes
- Direct
Real time billing with instantaneous payment information, medical insurance number validation and general claim validation. When pertinent, explanatory messages are communicated in real time.
- Deferred (batch mode)
Concerns several accumulated payment requests where the results of admissibility or inadmissibility are generally communicated the following day.
- Pseudo-batch
Several payment requests are sent in direct mode, after a few seconds the results of admissibility or inadmissibility will be displayed.
All possibilities after receiving a RAMQ number are included
- Modification requests for change information already provided, adding or removing one or more claim lines.
- Cancellation requests of erroneous claims.
- Rectified claims that have been corrected by the Régie.
- Easy consultation of the invoice from the statement
Its many advantages make it an option that deserves to be considered.
- All controls implemented by the RAMQ are up to date.
- Enter your claims as usual and send them in later when the internet is down or when the RAMQ is under maintenance
- All non-standard cases can be billed.
- Personalized layout of tools for easy and fast billing.
- Among others things
PARAM is your ideal billing program. It’s not only compatible with the new SYRA system but makes using it simpler and faster!
PARAM is a very flexible and continually evolving program that is in step with the SYRA modernization of medical billing
To find out more about the practical implications of the SYRA project please see